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Voir The MisEducation of Bindu 2019 Film complet 720p


Movies Detail of The MisEducation of Bindu (2019)

✓ Title : The MisEducation of Bindu
✓ Release Date : October 9th, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Prarthana Mohan
✓ Writers : Prarthana Mohan, Kay Tuxford
✓ Company : Pigasus Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Priyanka Bose, Robert T. Bogue, Gordon Winarick, Olli Haaskivi, Kelly Ryan, Megan Suri, David Arquette

Synopsis of The MisEducation of Bindu (2019)

All Bindu needs to test out of high school is $53.75—by seventh period. Then maybe she can convince her mom to move the family back to India and leave her annoying new American stepdad behind in the US. One of the winning titles of Mark and Jay Duplass’ Campaign to find America’s Next Generation of Indie Filmmakers.

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Well, The MisEducation of Bindu (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The MisEducation of Bindu (2019) itselft directed by Prarthana Mohan and Starring by Priyanka Bose, Robert T. Bogue, Gordon Winarick, Olli Haaskivi, Kelly Ryan, Megan Suri, David Arquette which made The MisEducation of Bindu (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The MisEducation of Bindu (2019)

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9 Oct 2019 #United States of America