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Hunting Season 2019 Film complet Voir En ligne Gratuit 123complets


Movies Detail of Hunting Season (2019)

✓ Title : Hunting Season
✓ Original Title : Jagtsæson
✓ Release Date : October 3rd, 2019
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Tilde Harkamp
✓ Writers : Lars Mering, Claudia Boderke
✓ Company : Nordisk Film
✓ Cast : Stephania Potalivo, Rasmus Botoft, Lars Ranthe, Lado Hadzic, Bertil Karlshøj Smith, Lærke Winther Andersen, Martin Bo Lindsten, Mille Dinesen, Anders Brink Madsen, Jon Lange

Synopsis of Hunting Season (2019)

Eva, a recently divorced, single mom, goes away for a weekend at a spa with her childhood friend Marlene to help her get through her midlife crisis. Isabella, the new girlfriend of Eva's ex-husband, has also joined the trip and is trying hard to become Marlene's new best friend. Eva's friendship with Marlene is at risk, as the women reveal their worst sides during an unfortunate Brazilian wax, a failed pheasant hunt and other trials. The question is: Can Eva fix things between her and Marlene, build a healthy relationship with Isabella and still save her son's birthday?

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Well, Hunting Season (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hunting Season (2019) itselft directed by Tilde Harkamp and Starring by Stephania Potalivo, Rasmus Botoft, Lars Ranthe, Lado Hadzic, Bertil Karlshøj Smith, Lærke Winther Andersen, Martin Bo Lindsten, Mille Dinesen, Anders Brink Madsen, Jon Lange which made Hunting Season (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hunting Season (2019)

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3 Oct 2019 #