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Streaming Sin compasión 1994 Film complet vidzi


Movies Detail of Sin compasión (1994)

✓ Title : Sin compasión
✓ Release Date : December 7th, 1994
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Director : Francisco J. Lombardi
✓ Writers : Augusto Cabada, Fyodor Dostoevsky
✓ Companies : Fundacion del Nuevo, Cine Latinamericano, CiBy 2000
✓ Country : Peru
✓ Cast : Mariella Trejos, Humberto Modenesi, Diego Bertie, Jorge Chiarella, Juan José Criados, Ricardo Fernández, Adriana Dávila, Hernán Romero, Carlos Oneto, Marcello Rivera

Synopsis of Sin compasión (1994)

Lima, 1980s. Based upon Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment.

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Well, Sin compasión (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sin compasión (1994) itselft directed by Francisco J. Lombardi and Starring by Mariella Trejos, Humberto Modenesi, Diego Bertie, Jorge Chiarella, Juan José Criados, Ricardo Fernández, Adriana Dávila, Hernán Romero, Carlos Oneto, Marcello Rivera which made Sin compasión (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sin compasión (1994)

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7 Dec 1994 #Peru