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Download The Red Hatchback 2019 HD Movie

Movies Detail of The Red Hatchback (2019)

✓ Title : The Red Hatchback
✓ Original Title : Hatchbak Ghermez
✓ Release Date : September 29th, 2019
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Ashkan Najafi
✓ Writers : Mohammad Rasoulof, Ashkan Najafi
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of The Red Hatchback (2019)

33-year old Ali lives in Tehran and does everything he can to give his 5-year old son a good life, despite their precarious financial situation. But then the child expresses a wish for a real car – a red coupé. It’s not just the money -- inflation and corruption also stand in the way of the dream being realized. Nevertheless, Ali is determined to make his son happy. Whatever the price.

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The Red Hatchback (2019)

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29 Sep 2019 #