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Movies Detail of The Vineyard (2000)

✓ Title : The Vineyard
✓ Original Title : El viñedo
✓ Release Date : October 28th, 2000
✓ Genres : Crime, Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Director : Esteban Schroeder
✓ Writers : Pablo Vierci, Esteban Schroeder
✓ Companies : Nueva Imagen, Aura Producciones S.r.l., Megavisión
✓ Countries : Chile, Uruguay
✓ Cast : Liliana García, Danilo Rodríguez Barilari, Eduardo Guerreiro, Eduardo Guerreiro, Martin Linares, Fernando Kliche

Synopsis of The Vineyard (2000)

A Montevideo journalist discovers that the murder of a boy from the slums near the vineyards had political reasons, and was not an isolated incident. Developing a friendship with the victim's older brother, and then the entire family, the journalist tries to get to the bottom of this case. It is not the only case of summary executions of young poor boys in this vineyard, but nevertheless few people really want to challenge the powerful owner of the vineyards.

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Well, The Vineyard (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Vineyard (2000) itselft directed by Esteban Schroeder and Starring by Liliana García, Danilo Rodríguez Barilari, Eduardo Guerreiro, Eduardo Guerreiro, Martin Linares, Fernando Kliche which made The Vineyard (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Vineyard (2000)

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28 Oct 2000 #Uruguay